November 09, 2020 5 min read

The average person has between a 70% - 80% chance of being assaulted.

In Reason #1 we talked about the critical important, the win vs. lose consequence associated with your personal protection device being in your hand and why the D.A.D.® 2 is 10,000 times more likely to be in your hand. 

In Reason #2 we talked about the importance of it remaining in your hand and being useable during a sudden violent attack and why the D.A.D.® 2 is ten times more likely to remain in your hand and be useable during a sudden, unexpected physical attack. 

Reason #3 is an equally significant differentiator and one most easily recognized, although no more important than reasons #1 and #2. Reason #3 is the TigerLight technology used in the D.A.D. ®2 that, in multiple studies, proved to have at least a 96% plus stop rate, equaled only by a firearm and nearly doubling the effectiveness of any other non-lethal or less lethal device. 

This was demonstrated over and over again to the astonishment of police officers who were accustomed to stop rates in the 50% to 70% range. TigerLights yielded the highest documented “stop rate” in the world at 96% without injury to the subjects. See Report On LASD Study or request a copy.

Additional critically important facts to consider when choosing a self defense or personal protection device, particularly those using pepper spray:

All sprays, spray patterns and methods of deployment are not equal. To classify all sprays, methods of deployment and spray patterns into one analysis of pepper spray, is like basing the effectiveness of ALL firearms on the weaknesses of some firearms, lumping them all together because they all use bullets.

Here are some key additional facts to take into consideration:

The University of Utah did a study on pepper sprays and found that all the commercial sprays tested, except two, had actual potency levels far below the advertised level, some as bad as 1/100th the claimed potency. Others varied greatly from batch to batch. So, you have to be VERY careful about which spray you purchase.

Scoville heat units is not the best measure of potency. Major capsaicinoid percentage is a far more accurate representation of spray potency. For example, the spray used by the marines, First Defense, has 0.2% major capsaicinoid percentage. The spray in the D.A.D.™, Sabre Red, has 1.33% Major capsaicinoid.

The spray pattern and particle size also have a significant impact on actual effectiveness. Although a stream, gel or foam spray pattern is not as affected by wind blowing the wrong direction, they are more difficult to hit a moving target with and are not nearly as effective at incapacitating the attacker in a close proximity, violent attack, which is what most attacks are. 

Incapacitating the attacker is the first priority, by far. TigerLight has used all major brands and spray patterns used by police departments and has been a great clearing house for spray effectiveness the last 20 years or more. The two brands being used in TigerLights, Guardian PD and Sabre Red, are the brands used by the majority of D.O.D. agencies and major departments.

“Having the D.A.D.® is far better than having a can of pepper spray. It doesn’t even compare. It is the best non-lethal self defense device in the world…period!” Police Sergeant — Gary Powell

There are two ways pepper spray incapacitates an attacker. One is sheer pain. The other is respiratory effect. Think of an MMA fight. Two fighters can inflict tremendous pain on one another with hundreds of punches to the face and still fight on. However, a good choke hold, momentarily depriving the opponent of oxygen, will quickly incapacitate the opponent, causing them to “tap out.” There is no greater human desire than the desire for oxygen. Herein lies the greatest advantage that the D.A.D.™ and all TigerLights have had when it comes to incapacitating a violet attacker.

You will often hear that pepper spray is not very effective on subjects on PCP and other pain deadening drugs. This is true, WITH MOST SPRAYS. However, this is NOT true with a TigerLight as evidenced by its 15-year performance record showing a stop rate of 96% plus, far higher than any other spray or any other non-lethal personal defense device. TigerLights used at departments with “stop rates” below 50% due to a high use of PCP in the area, experienced stop rates at the same department, over years of use, of over 96%. There is a difference, a very significant difference.

Whenever someone is evaluating the merits of pepper spray “Blow Back” is always discussed, as it should be. However, while it is an important thing to be aware of, it is way over-emphasized as a “weakness” of pepper spray. I say that based on the extremely high success rate of TigerLights, using pepper spray and the nearly zero impact “Blow Back” has had on those results. Not one time has an officer reported being incapacitated by the spray or “blow back” being the cause of a “failure.”

The point of all this is that if you are going to evaluate your options for self defense, one option should not be judged on the merits or lack of merits of other “similar” options that may be different in tremendously significant ways, as is the case with the D.A.D.™

There is no one thing any of us can do to guarantee our safety. Mental awareness and good decision making, including avoiding obviously dangerous environments when possible, taking self defense classes and having a “plan” if all attempts to avoid danger fail, are all important. 

However, one fact remains and that is this:

If the attacker has the ability to overpower you and force his will upon you, then you are at the mercy of the attacker. For a huge percentage of the population, a “force multiplier” will often be necessary, even for those who have taken self defense courses, which I think everyone should take because they will help in a number of ways, especially when combined with a device like the D.A.D.® 2.

When little, 120-pound Whitney Zach was about to be assaulted by a male, nearly twice her size and strength, she was able to overpower or incapacitate him with a TigerLight. He thought it was just a light until it was too late. In his case, the pain was likely a factor, but the respiratory distress, causing him to gag violently and puke repeatedly, was likely more of a factor.

She had not done anything wrong. She stopped at a gas station for gas and to use the restroom, which was on the outside. She had not been careless. The police officer who arrested the attacker told her she was “very lucky.” It would have been luck, or a miracle, if she would not have had a TigerLight and would have gotten away. 


- Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith, Lead Instructor of "Street Survival For Women" Training Course

In her case, it was lucky, or a blessing, that she had chosen a tool that she was able to use effectively and successfully, even without extensive training. Training would certainly make her more prepared to overcome a greater variety of situations, but ease of use is a huge plus because high-stress and fine motor skill impairment can spoil the best of plans.

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